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Lovett Teacher Writes Children’s Book About Georgia’s Culinary Experience

Lovett Teacher Writes Children’s Book About Georgia’s Culinary Experience

Lovett Kindergarten teacher Kelly Young-Silverman didn’t grow up in the South, but after spending the past 20 years in Georgia, she knew it was the perfect topic for her newest book. 

Hot Boiled Peanuts is a culinary tour of The Peach State. It follows a child and their grandparents as they take a road trip through different regions of Georgia, showcasing the variety of foods that can be found at each stop, from Savannah to metro Atlanta to the Blue Ridge Mountains. During the road trip, they also encounter historical and geographical landmarks, along with the tasty treats.

Shortly after Hot Boiled Peanuts was published, Young-Silverman, along with the book’s illustrator, former Lovett art teacher Courtney Strickland, hosted a book reading for Lower School students. They also answered questions from students about the writing process and what it takes to become a published author and illustrator. This is Young-Silverman’s third published book, but she says it was the hardest to write. 

"This particular book actually took a lot of research, because I really wanted it to be factual,” said Young-Silverman. “I wanted it to be something that kids, parents, and teachers would enjoy. I knew I wanted to write about Georgia, I knew that I liked food, and I knew I liked road trips. I also wanted something that could be an educational tool.”


Young-Silverman says it took her about a year to write the book and find a publisher. She says a personal connection with another author led her to Pelican Publishing, and she credits that connection to being able to print this book.

"I will always tell people that if you are kind to everyone, you never know what doors will open for you,” said Young-Silverman. “Because people are more likely to help you if you're being kind.”

Young-Silverman appeared on 11Alive's Atlanta & Company to talk about her book. You can watch it here.

By Anna Keller

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